High Quality Agile

Product Development


We specialize in building scalable and high-performance digital solutions for our business clients. We offer mobility solutions, web application development, cloud solutions, the internet of things, augmented and virtual reality, blockchain, AI/ML, predictive analytics, and big data.

Since having our new website built by Thrive, we have seen a 200% increase in the number of online contact forms being filled out and returned to us. Cubix Solution worked closely with us to provide a site that met all of the criteria that we were looking for. Thanks to CubixSolution for all of your hard work and support!

Arif Shad


It is a distinct pleasure for me to recommend CubixSolution to any and all interested parties. They have been professional, comprehensive and competent throughout the process of our working together. We feel that we have established a relationship with them for years to come. The reaction to our new web site has been overwhelmingly positive; as one commented the site is “FANTASTIC.” .

Shahbaz Khan

Post Production Specialist